
Something big is born here!

BAWAG. That´s Bank.
Retail Summit 2022

The team of Event Service RS stages the pre-launch of the bank's new brand identity as a green event in the exclusive ambience of the scalaria on Lake Wolfgang.

Ingredients to create this year's sales event for over 400 branch employees from Germany and Austria:

Strengthening team spirit, celebrating successes together and discovering the future in a playful way.

Following the pandemic-related break, the event is mainly a "thank you" for the commitment and loyalty in these turbulent times. The focus lies on future topics. First and foremost the upcoming brand relaunch. The internal and external impact of the new tonality is to be made tangible in emotional form. The "JUMPSTART Award" for the best branch performance should be newly established. Sales promotion, especially in community banking, is another important element of the program design.

Something big is born here!
First, the head of sales surprises his team with a rewritten version of "with a little help from my friends". His thanks for dedication & loyalty during the pandemic are frenetically cheered. In a 360° multimedia setting, the management offers a review and outlook in the style of TED Talks. The honors are followed by the pre-launch of the new brand identity. This is the theme for the rest of the event and gets to the heart of the claim and shortening of the company name: BAWAG. That´s bank.

This is for you.
The Welcome Party pushes the new tonality and quotes, for example, soft drinks affectionately with: "This is for those who prefer it without."

That's new. That's fun.
The internal and external impact of the relaunch can be experienced in analog and digital form at the Team Challenge. Experts provide valuable insights, an outdoor video wall with live broadcasting, DJ and Kristina Inhof accompany the stations.

That makes better. That makes faster.
The seating concept of the team workshops reflects the INSTA logo and symbolizes closeness & distance of different communities. Funny INSTA clips are developed, filmed and submitted for voting. In the sign of a volatile future, the teams master various challenging obstacles in the water park.

That's us.
The team spirit is strengthened during the team painting. Everyone creatively immortalizes themselves with colors of their choice on a 24m² wall. Prepared in advance, the lettering completes the colorful motif for the group photo.

This is for winners.
At the Gamenight with legendary TV game formats, the aim is to apply the new knowledge correct & fast. By using the APP "1,2 or 3" questions are answered, the best INSTA stories are chosen and the freshly printed campaigns launched by "Dalli Klick" are solved. For the "outdoor bet", the total time of the fastest teammates in the water park night finale is tipped. The highlight video produced in parallel is followed by the award ceremony and the motto dessert "For all those who are still out of shape." The party is titled: This remains between us. - and it remains that way :-)

The event was organized according to sustainability criteria, officially certified as a "Green Event" and awarded GOLD in the category "Employee Events" at the Austrian Event Award 2022 by a high-ranking jury of experts.

scalaria | St. Wolfgang


  • "There is no better way to organize something like this, your creativity, your commitment, your energy... you are absolutely amazing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart - you are just great!"

    Martina Winkelbauer, Head of Retail Staff Management

Event service RS GMBH

TEL: +43 5 05575 500
FAX: +43 5 05575 599
